Step 1: Trademark Search
Visit the trademark search database on the IP India website.
Search for existing trademarks using your desired name, logo, or slogan.
Ensure your trademark is unique and not already registered in the same business category (class).
Step 2: Choose the Trademark Class
Identify the correct trademark class for your business.
There are 45 trademark classes:
Classes 1–34 are for goods (e.g., clothing, food, electronics).
Classes 35–45 are for services (e.g., digital marketing, legal services).
You can register under multiple classes if required.
Step 3: Prepare Documents
Keep these documents ready:
Identity Proof: PAN, Aadhaar, Passport (for individuals).
Business Proof: Incorporation certificate, GST registration (for companies).
Logo Design: A high-quality image of your logo (if applicable).
Power of Attorney (Form TM-48): If filed by an agent or attorney.
Address Proof: Utility bills, rental agreement, or business address proof.
Step 4: File the Trademark Application
Log in to the Trademark Registration Portal via IP India.
Fill in the details in Form TM-A, including:
Applicant's details (individual or company).
Trademark name/logo.
Class and description of goods or services.
Pay the government fee:
₹4,500 for individuals or small businesses.
₹9,000 for large enterprises.
Step 5: Trademark Examination
The application is examined by the Trademark Office.
If no errors or objections are found, it proceeds to the next step.
If objections are raised, you must respond with a legal reply or attend a hearing.
Step 6: Publication in the Trademark Journal
Your trademark is published in the Trademark Journal.
The public has 4 months to file any opposition.
Step 7: Trademark Registration Certification
If no opposition is filed, the trademark is registered.
You will receive the Trademark Registration Certificate from the Registrar.
Additional Notes
Timeline: The entire process takes 6–12 months, depending on objections or oppositions.
Validity: A registered trademark is valid for 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely.